Wednesday, October 31, 2007

3 Teens Arrested That Jumped Teen at Six Flags

They have in the AJC today that three kids ahve been locked up for the beating of another teen at Six Flags bus stop back in July. The teen that was jumped and beaten so bad that he was in a coma for 10 days. They even had a show on the Ryan Cameron show about this. The mother was on there and she mentioned that there was a fund set up for her son for help with his medical bills through Bank Of America and it had a $0 balance. Where are our leaders at? What about our black mega churches? My job took up a collection to deposit into the fund for this kid. I know that's it's like being a single parent so I know that the $200 that we collected for them helped with something.

I'm so disappointed how we can go marching in Jena for the 6 kids that jumped one kid but when we're beating each other everybody is quiet. This is sad.

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